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GDPR Information

What data do we collect?

We collect the following data when you book one of our Pay As You Go Classes or become a member of Ignite Gymnastics:

  • Your Child’s Name

  • Your Child’s Date of Birth

  • A contact email address

  • An emergency contact number

  • Details of any medical conditions or previous injuries your child has previously had or currently lives with

  • Transaction history

Why do we collect this data?

Your child’s name is stored so that we can record their attendance in our classes, and their date of birth so that we can ensure your child is in the class best suited for their age.

An email address is required for communications about your membership, changes to our terms and conditions, and used as a contact method through which we send our invoices to collect monthly payments.

An emergency contact number is collected and made visible to Ignite Gymnastics staff on our registers during class so that in the case of an emergency, we can contact you or your child’s guardian in the quickest way possible.

We ask for details of medical conditions or previous injuries so that we can adapt our classes to accommodate your child’s needs in the best way possible, and administer appropriate first aid treatment should a medical incident occur. This data is accessible to Ignite Gymnastics staff only, and should a medical incident occur which requires the assistance of one of The Junction Sport & Leisure Centre’s first aiders, will be shared to these peoples if relevant to their care. We have a legal obligation to collect this information to ensure we meet appropriate levels of safety while your child is with us.


How do we protect your data?

Your data is stored on a secure computer and our payment platform, Square. Both of which are password protected and are accessible only to Lauren Drake, owner of Ignite Gymnastics.

Our registers are accessible to Ignite Gymnastics staff during classes, and contain your child’s name, emergency contact number and details of medical conditions, and are kept securely at The Junction Sport & Leisure Centre while there are no classes in session.

Square holds your payment card information on our behalf, we cannot see the full information of your transactions, only the last four digits of your card number, and expiry date. When you save a card on file with Square to automate future payments, you can always opt out of this information being held by deleting your card on file through the Square platform, or contacting and we can delete it for you.

You have a right to request a copy of the data and information that Ignite Gymnastics and Square holds about yourself and your child at any time, to request a copy please contact

How long do we hold your information?

We hold your information for as long as you are with us as a member of Ignite Gymnastics. Following leaving the club, your information will be stored for up to 6 years.

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